Sarah Desteuque: Guest photographer 2024

Sarah Desteuque draws on her many experiences, travels and encounters to bear witness to the status of human beings in their social and environmental context. Particularly sensitive to all forms of injustice, she began by documenting the history of the homeless and the situation of the Roma in Marseille.

Then she focused on the bitterly sweet daily life of the Irish Traveller community. This work, published in Réponses Photo magazine, has been screened at various photographic festivals, and won the Prix Public 2020 at the Festival Présence(s) Photographie and the 2nd Prix Public 2022 at the Festival Les Rencontres de la Photo de Chabeuil. Her series “L’Hôpital de la faune sauvage” (Wildlife Hospital), produced for the Goupil connexion association, won the Grand Prix du Jury at the Festival Les Nuits Photographiques de Pierrevert 2023.

“L’Hôpital de la faune sauvage” (Wildlife Hospital)

In the south of France, the “Goupil connexion” association cares for 3,000 wild animals every year. These animals are vulnerable to human activity (hunting, road transport, power lines, etc.). Veterinarians, civic services and volunteers work on number fronts, from medical emergencies to awareness-raising campaigns, particularly during releases.