Khalil Nemmaoui is our Guest of Honor | 5th Edition 2024
Khalil Nemmaoui (b. 1967) is a Moroccan photographer whose work explores themes of nature, territory, and daily life. After starting in press photography in the 1990s, he developed a personal, reflective style, focusing on the relationship between humans and their environment. His acclaimed series La Maison de l’Arbre was featured at the 2009 Photo-Quai Biennial,
nominated for the Pictet Prize, and won the Francophonie Prize at the 2011 Bamako Encounters…
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Tribute to Maria Catuogno
It was with great sadness that we learned of the sudden death of photographer Maria Catuogno. A very fine, sensitive person, whom we miss, with a very fine photographic work, which we had the opportunity to present several times in Pierrevert as well as in Selma and Essaouira.
Winners 2023 4th edition | Photographic Nights of Selma
Congratulations to all the winners ! Gus Bennett Grand prize of the JuryJayla Sutton Honorable Mention of the JuryAlain Licari Prize of the Public Ex aequoQuentin Renard Gunn Prize of the Public Ex aequo
2023 Edition : Tribute to Stanley Greene
The Selma Photographic Nights team is pleased to announce that an exhibition / screening of some of Stanley Greene's work will be held during the 4th edition of Photographic Nights... Mark your calendars for the following dates from November 3rd to 5th 2023 !