Guest photographers for the 2020 Edition

Jerry Siegel [ Guest of Honor ]
Born is Selma, AL, Jerry Siegel is a photographer living in Atlanta, GA, and working throughout the Southeast. Siegel focuses his work in traditions of portrait and documentary photography. His most recent body of work, Reveal, is an intimate look behind the scenes into the illusion created by Drag artists. His work in the Black Belt region of Alabama was recently published by the Georgia Museum of Art. This monograph, Black Belt Color, focuses on the unique, cultural landscape of the Black Belt region of Alabama.

Serge Arnal
Since I have been doing the shows, I have gradually seen these outstretched arms appear to capture a memory with the new modes of communication that are mobile phones or tablets.
They don’t want to miss anything from an event and the only solution is to share the moment and show it.
Mobile phones have become objects of sharing.

Andrea Birnbaum

Olivier Borde
Olivier Borde is a professional photographer working in the press and his images are publicized worldwide. From politicians to celebrities and from the world of luxury to cinema, his eye tells our stories taking us from one world to another. Five years ago, while on a trip on the Sea of Cortez, Olivier Borde discovered diving and put on a mask and fins for the first time in his life. When he dived he saw a whale shark and then a sea lion further away…

Bob Corley
From a plastic Kalimar 2 1/4, to my father’s 35mm range-finder Canon, to my digital Nikon today, I’ve taken photographs for most of my 70 years. Experience on a high school newspaper, a daily newspaper, freelance photojournalism, and a monthly magazine have kept my photography moving forward…

Mark Dauber
Mark Dauber is an author, speaker, teacher, and fine art photographer born in Birmingham, Alabama. He has had numerous exhibits throughout the United States, and his work is included in various private and institutional collections. Mark has led his own workshops in various international locations, including Ireland, Guatemala and various sites in the US. He’s also a really nice guy…

Elmore DeMott
Elmore earned her BA in Math and Fine Art from Vanderbilt University and began her career in banking. Next she worked in arts administration before putting her own creative talents to work as a photographer. An avid arts supporter who describes the arts as being fundamental to all lives, Elmore serves on the board of South Arts and was the founding president of ClefWorks, an Alabama arts organization, created to promote the education and enjoyment of chamber music through innovative programming.

Roch Domerego

Laurent Elie Badessi
Laurent Elie Badessi is a Franco American is a fashion and fine art photographer based in New York. He belongs to a family with three generations of photographers. From an early age, this enabled him to explore and appreciate the art of photography. Badessi started his career in Paris and continued working abroad before moving to the United States in the early 90s. A book with his series Age of Innocence focusing on the sociological relationship of children and guns in the USA has been internationally released this year by Editions Images Plurielles…

Francois-Xavier Emery

Pierre Faure
Pierre Faure was born in 1972 and lives in France where he studied Economics.
From 2012 to 2014 he worked on the issues of extreme poverty and exclusion. He spent an entire year on life in a slum (« Tziganes », 2012), then two years covering an emergency shelter and a homeless shelter (« Les Gisants », 2013, « Le Bateau », 2014).
Since 2015 he travels all over France documenting rising poverty in the country.

Syd Foster

Jim Gavenus

Lionel Hahn
At the age of 19, from his hometown Périgueux, Lionel joins a photography school in Toulouse in the South West of France. For 3 years he studies his passion, enables his creativity and perfections his skills.
In 1994, he starts his career in Paris, as an intern, at the Vandystadt agency, a benchmark in sports photography. Through the talented photographers that work there, he continues to form his eyes and develops his own gift…

Tom Hennessy
I studied photography at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in the late 1970’s using 35mm film cameras, and I had my own darkroom for black and white printing. In 2011 I purchased my first Canon DSLR and became focused on relearning photography in the digital age. My favorite lenses are my 100 mm macro lens that I use for floral photography, and my 16 to 35 mm lens that I use for landscapes…

Chris Huby
I lived in foreign countries when I was a child. Overthere, I became a young photographer through my relationship to the others. Very young, I thus made every effort to get in touch with poverty, but also with the happiness, through this practical medium. Then, the ambitions came. Little by little, I got closer to the cinema’s business and the documentary’s world while continuing to work the photographic tool…

Nicolas KLEIN

Frederic Ladeveze
I quickly bought my first reflex camera, and I developed a real passion taking advantage of many personal and professional trips to satisfy it.

Patrick Lakey

Alain Licari
Born in France, I’ve lived in Spain and now enjoy a life in New York City. A self-taught photographer, I am inspired by traditional black-and-white humanist photography, particularly the great masters like Sebastiao Salgado and Raymond Depardon; Mary Ellen Mark, Robert Franck or Dorothea Lange…

Liza Moura
Is a Brazilian Portuguese photographer based in Paris since 2011. Liza uses photography as a unique way of expressing different cultures, peoples, events. For her, a photo is able to resume complex subjects and can rescue emotions. Photography is an intrinsic necessity to her. She takes advantage of the background in the Law and Arts History to develop her projects and documentaries, which always have a social and cultural aspect, showing the current reality and different aspects of the society and environment.

John Noltner

Celine Ravier
Céline Ravier has been traveling the world, mainly on foot, for the past twenty years. Through her aesthetic and her documentary-like photography, she seeks to highlight people in their environment. Her photos and reports have been published in national magazines (A/R Magazine Voyageur, Grands Reportages, Trek Magazine, Revue Bouts du Monde…) and presented in numerous personal and collective exhibitions (Le Grand Bivouac, Présence(s) Photographie, Nuits Photographiques de Pierrevert, La Photographie Marseille, Nuits Photographiques d’Essaouira…)

Isabelle Serro
Reporter photographer based in France, Isabelle SERRO is a member of the Collectif Divergence Images. She relies on 15 years of professional experience in so-called sensitive geographical locations around the world. It is most often outside her comfort zone that she finds the depth of her work with a humanistic eye. Her quick adaptability and curiosity make her seek to highlight the positive and enriching aspects of sometimes the most complex situations. This approach took her to the Amazon in 2009 to the Yanomami Indians with whom she lived for several months. On her return, she began a collaboration with the SIPA agency and produced various ethnic, social and current affairs reports, always with the same quest for discovery and sharing.

Warren Simons
Warren Simons follows his own road of exploration, learning from photographers, painters, art teachers, writers, potters, and poets. Simons has won numerous awards for his work. He has practiced the art of seeing with the camera for 17 year

Souhayl A

Vicki Wilson Hunt
Vicki Hunt has been involved in the Birmingham, Atlanta, and Montgomery photography communities for the past 25 years. Vicki was educated at the University of Alabama with a degree in business, and later studied at University of Alabama, Birmingham in the black and white photography program…

Chantale Wong
Chantale Wong had a long and distinguished career in public service. During that period, Chantale was a participant in some of the most significant events in our US history. Having spent the majority of her professional career in public service and in locations around the world representing the United States in key positions, she regrets at not having captured those moments of significance. She retired after 23 years and has begun a new journey as a photographer…